Frequently asked questions
What is Vibrational Sound Therapy (VST)?:
It is a deep relaxation technique that uses a subtle vibration and a sound instrument called a singing bowl. The bowl(s) are strategically placed directly on and around the body and gently rung thus causing the vibration.The gentle sounds and vibrations help to activate the parasympathetic nervous system to relax clients. Muscle tension is seen to decrease, the mind becomes calm, and the harmful effects of prolonged stress can melt away.
The client lies on a massage table either face down with bowls placed on the back of the body or face up with the bowls on the front. You remain fully clothed and there is no physical touch. It is best that you wear comfortable clothing with no metal on it, or on the body. Think yoga or work out clothes. If the client were wearing metal it would interfere with the sound of the bowls if it were where the bowls were placed, i.e. on your hand if the bowl was placed in the palm of your hand or a zipper or buttons on a shirt and the bowls are placed on your sternum or abs.
It is important to me that each client fully understands what will happen in each of their sessions so that they can truly relax. I am trained in trauma informed care so I take extra time to explain where the bowls will be placed based on the type of session they choose so there is no unknowns or surprises. If a client has never heard a singing bowl before I show them the bowls and let them hear what they sound like. I infuse each session with mindfulness techniques to enhance the relaxation and help each client extend the benefits that they reap from the session to help with the stressors in their life. This is a form of self care that has many benefits that are supported in scientific research.
How long are the sessions?
60, 90 or 120 minutes - see Book a Session page. A 90-minute session is highly recommended for a client’s first experience as it allows ample time to fully settle into the process, explore your unique needs, and dive deeply into our work together. This extended session provides space for a thorough intake, time to relax into the experience, and ensures we can address areas of tension or imbalance with care. It sets the foundation for a more effective and transformative journey. All sessions include mindfulness coaching, aromatherapy if desired, a grounding session and discussion about what worked well and what needs to be different for your next session as we work together for the best experience possible to meet your needs.
You can also customize your session once you have had a session to include they types of modalities, and instruments that resonate with you and your journey.
What kind of bowls do you use and is this the same thing as tuning forks?
For Vibrational Sound Therapy - The Himalayan (80% copper - metal) bowls used are specifically created for vibrational sound therapy. I currently do not use tuning forks in my practice. I will be continuing my training and will integrate new tools as I can. I also have a harmonic crystal bowl set, Japanese Rin Gong bowls, a 22” grounding bowl that clients stand in for a grounding session.
Are VST, Reiki or Yoga Nidra “woo woo”?
This is such a great question and a concern of many who are unsure. The short answer is, your session is just that, it’s your session and it can be as “woo woo” as you want or not at all. I am inclusive, open minded and dedicated to working together to make your session safe and the most relaxing experience that we can. I was trained in a very specific protocols and infuse mindfulness as an enhancement of your relaxation. If you want to bring your crystals and have them on the table with you where they will not interfere with the session I am totally fine with that. I also have lots of crystals in the studio that you may have on you and/or on the table if you would like. If you want to focus on your Chakras you can definitely do that. If you want to pray, integrate breath work or integrate your own mindfulness practice you can definitely do that. It is YOUR session and we will work together to ensure it is what you need.
WHAT HAPPENS DURING A VST SESSION? (from the Vibrational Sound Association - organization that trained Phyllis)
Vibrational Sound Therapy (VST) has profound effects on the body and the mind. The VST method is above all a method of relaxation, and most people will reach this state of relaxation quickly, even during their first session. During a VST session the body will go through noticeable changes as it responds to deeper and deeper states of rest. Relaxation is not only a physical state but also a state of consciousness, and VST has very strong effects on alertness and perception. Relaxation during a VST session brings on the same kind of brain states as yoga, tai chi, and meditation. It is very important to understand the physiological responses to relaxation and how they relate to state of mind.
Most clients will start to relax as soon as the session begins but for some it can longer. Their muscles will lose tension, and they may even start to slip into the alpha brain wave pattern within the first minutes. The alpha wave pattern is associated with daydreaming and pre-sleep. At this point the clients breathing and heart rate will start to slow down, and the body will begin to absorb the waves of vibration into its tissues. The slowing of breathing and lack of muscle tension are both signs that the metabolism is slowing. Insulin levels will rise, and cortisol levels will fall. As the heart rate slows, blood pressure falls and arteries expand giving rise to a feeling of warmth. This relaxed state allows the body to repair itself instead of responding to outside concerns. The immune system is at its best when we are relaxed.
VST is so gentle and relaxing that almost all people will fall asleep at some point during the session. The theta brain wave state is associated with meditation, sleep, and deep relaxation. The delta brain state is a deeper form of sleep and is also associated with hypnosis and ritual. During normal sleep, people will oscillate between both of these states. The brain wave state of clients undergoing a sound massage will change naturally and in reaction to the modality as positions are changed and different bowls are introduced. Small tremors and shakes are common as people enter and exit the theta and delta brain rhythms. Some of these movements may be sudden and strong. The practitioner will always be mindful to prevent a bowl from falling from its desired position.
Those who undergo a state of deep relaxation often report a feeling of mental freshness that they carry with them after the session is over. Relaxation and meditative states of mind have also been shown to increase the threshold for emotional response, meaning they can help us control our emotional responses to outside influences. Like other kinds of meditation, sound therapy can help us be more internally aware while being more present in the moment and more connected with our surroundings.
HOW DOES VST WORK? From the Vibrational Sound Association
Vibrational Sound Therapy (VST) combines powerful vibration and tones to induce an immediate relaxed state. The induction of the sound waves directly into the body along with soothing ambient tones is such a strong treatment that clients report effects ranging from a meditative state to deep relaxation. By placing the therapeutic singing bowls directly on the body and using correct techniques, a practitioner engages with their client both physically and aurally.
The techniques associated with VST have many advantages over traditional massage. One major comfort barrier that prevents many people from receiving a traditional massage is fear of being touched by a stranger. In the VST method, the client remains fully clothed and is never touched directly by the practitioner. In fact, because the singing bowl is doing most of the physical work, contact is kept to minimum. This does not diminish the connection between client and practitioner because spiritual intimacy is maintained through the sound and the vibration transmitted through the bowl. Vibrational Sound Therapy is also much less physically intrusive than traditional hands-on massage, and won’t leave the client feeling sore.
What VST, Reiki and Yoga Nidra is not:
None of these modalities are to be construed as medical treatment, psychotherapy, psychological counseling, or any type of therapy, nor is it a substitute for these services.
What are the benefits of doing VST, Reiki and/or Yoga Nidra?
While clients report positive outcomes in using my services please note that it’s impossible to guarantee any specific results and we don’t know how you will personally respond to the sessions. However, we will work together to achieve the best possible results for you. Research tells us that prolonged stress can have negative effects on our overall well being and health, both physical and mental. Be proactive and incorporate VST, Reiki, and/or Yoga Nidra as a part of your self care in an effort to combat every day stress thus reducing it’s negative effects. These modalities are not a replacement for proper medical treatment and/or care.
My goal is to help my clients have the best experience possible, walking away deeply relaxed, feeling the immediate and then long term benefits that these modalities can help with. They are about deep relaxation and help to activate the parasympathetic nervous system to relax clients. Muscle tension is seen to decrease, the mind becomes calm, and the harmful effects of prolonged stress can melt away. The Himalayan bowls that I use are specifically created for vibrational sound therapy. By using a measured strike technique to activate the vibration in the bowl, deep relaxation is induced.
Experiences may include physical and emotional benefits such as:
Deep relaxation and stress reduction
Improve sleep
Emotional/mood regulation can be improved
Can help some with depression, anxiety
May help with chronic pain
Beneficial “brain states” similar to what is experienced when practicing mindfulness meditation, yoga and/or tai chi could be experienced.
Feelings of mental freshness that can be felt after the session concludes
Assist with muscle relaxation
Increasing focus and creativity
What scientific research is there?
Visit our Research page.
Are you licensed - what kind of training do you have?
I have obtained certification and licensure by the Vibrational Sound Association (VSA) as a Vibrational Sound Therapy Certified Licensed Practitioner. The VSA takes great care in educating, certifying and licensing practitioners for your safety. By having my license clients benefit by knowing I have passed a criminal background check, the VSA governing board views me as a credible and reputable practitioner, my license is also an agreement that I will complete continuing education requirements and that I carry liability insurance. I have also completed Becca Laurito’s Sonic Mastery training program that is specific to sound baths and energy healing.
I have completed Reiki I, II and Master training with Healing Hands Reiki of Boulder, CO. I received my Yoga Nidra Facilitator Certification from Scott Moore Yoga. My Mindfulness Coaching training is through Unified Mindfulness. I have an Associates of Applied Science degree from Arapahoe Community College. I also have training in peer support, and trauma informed care. I have extensive training in suicide awareness, prevention and intervention skills, along with other mental health training however, I am not a licensed mental health clinician and do not offer mental health services. I am dedicated to continuing my training and education so that I bring all of this into my practice to create a safe space and deepen the relaxation experience for all I am blessed to work with. More on the About page.
Are you licensed with the State of Colorado?
No I am not, it is not a requirement. However, I offer my services as a complementary and alternative health care practitioner under Colorado’s Natural Health Care Consumer Protection Act. I am not licensed, certified or registered by the State of Colorado as a health care professional, nor am I subject to licensure, certification or registration by the State of Colorado.
Can my child receive services from you?
I do not typically take clients younger than 14 years of age. All clients between 14-18 years of age must have parent/guardian consent on their intake form and that parent/guardian must be in the room with the client at all times to include during their session. They must also come willingly with the desire to try and incorporate these modalities in their life.
Are there any health conditions where it is not safe to place the bowls on my body?
Yes there are. A full list is on the Vibrational Sound Therapy page. However this does not prevent you from participating in either an individual or a group session where the bowls are not placed directly on your body so you can still receive some of the benefits of the sounds that the bowls make which still help to activate our parasympathetic nervous systems.
You are required to complete and sign the intake form and keep your practitioner informed of any changes in your health and/or medical treatments you are receiving. If you have questions please ask your primary care doctor before receiving a session.
What is a group session? Visit Sound Meditation/Sound Bath page
The bowls are not placed on the body. Group sessions have many different names…sound meditation or sound bath to name a couple. I often call them “A Sound Journey”. This is when a group comes together to experience the sounds of the bowls and other instruments that I have. . Some will use it as a form of meditation. Some use it like the individual sessions as an opportunity to deeply relax without the bowls being placed on the body. Some Contemplative Christian services integrate them into their service.
Where do you provide your services:
I have an intimate studio in Lone Tree for in person sessions for individuals, and 2 person sessions (pair). Groups, corporate wellness, and retreats can be booked at your location. This requires a phone consult first. The studio is located at 9224 Teddy Lane, Suite 103. Sessions are by appointment only.
Email me at TriResonance@gmail.com or click on Book A Session to book your session.
What are your fees? **Information on Book A Session page