Community Partners
Buka Yoga
www.BukaYoga.com I frequently offer group sound baths at this amazing yoga studio in Castle Rock which was named Best of the Best 2023 and 2024! They offer a wide variety of yoga classes and workshops. There are no mirrors and this is an amazing community of loving souls! There are 2 rooms, Shine (original studio - my sound baths are in this room) and the new room which is called Bloom. The name of the room is on the entrance door so you know you are in the correct room for the class you signed up for. The main address is: 723 North Wilcox Street, Castle Rock, CO 80104. Phone: (720) 722-1756. Email: brooke@bukayoga.com
Goodman Photography
lgoodmanphoto.mypixieset.com - this is the photographer that did my headshot and a few other new photos. Lindsey is a local small business and takes great photos! Follow her on Facebook and Instagram @lgoodmanphoto
Mental health professionals that I personally know and recommend:
Denver Metro Counseling - Julie Reichenberger, MA, LPC www.denvermetrocounseling.com - they do not take insurance.
Brain Code Centers - https://www.braincodecenters.com/ - they work with some insurance.
Offering neurofeedback, counseling and more to help you achieve optimal brain health. Offices in downtown Denver, Highlands Ranch and Lone Tree.
McKnight Counseling, PLLC - Castle Rock - https://www.mcknightcounseling.com/
Grief Recovery with Laurie - https://www.griefrecoverywithlaurie.com/
The Grief Recovery Method® provides the tools needed and the action steps we can take in order to be able to complete our grief and live our lives more fully.